Monday 27 May 2013

Another rainy gray day on the south coast.... Marcello the Bunny did something so funny last night. I opened the dishwasher and he hopped on. Maybe he thought he was going for a ride somewhere. He is so hilarious!

Marcello is a very chill rabbit - I can vacuum right up to him and he doesn't move. But the other day (while he was lounging on the back deck) Lorenzo whistled for the boys to come home. Marcello completely lost it - he tore into the kitchen at breakneck speed, spinning and skidding on the hardwood floor, ran into the living room, stamped his feet, ran around the couch and stamped his feet, and this went on for about two minutes. He was so angry! I guess the human whistle pushed him over the edge.

Therefore, when he chose the dishwasher door as his new perch, how could I say no? 
Look at that face! 

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